10 Essential Public Health Services

  1. Monitor Community Health Status
    • What is going on in our community?
    • Do we know how healthy we are?
  2. Diagnose and Investigate Health Problems and Hazards
    • Are we ready to respond to health problems and hazards?
    • How quickly do we find out about the problems?
    • How effective is our response?
  3. Inform and Educate about Health Issues
    • How well do we keep all segments of our community informed about health issues?
  4. Mobilize Community Partners to Solve Health Problems
    • How well do we truly engage people in local health issues?
  5. Develop Policies and Plans that Support Health Efforts
    • What local policies in both the government and private sector promote health in my community?
    • How well are we setting local health policies?
  6. Enforce Laws that Protect Health and Safety
    • When we enforce health regulations, are we competent, fair, and effective?
  7. Link People to Services, Assure Provision of Healthcare
    • Are people in my community receiving the health services they need?
  8. Assure Competent Public Health and Healthcare Workforce
    • Do we have competent public health and healthcare staff?
    • How can we be sure that our staff stays current?
  9. Evaluate Personnel and Population-Based Health Services
    • Are we meeting the needs of the population we serve?
    • Are we doing things right?
    • Are we doing the right things?
  10. Research Innovative Solutions to Health Problems
    • Are we discovering and using new ways to get the job done?

EnVisage Consulting ©2022
Background Image by Hastings Photography